Beautiful exchange

Dear Loved ones, we invite you to co-create our Crystal Dimension with your Presence, but also according to your inner feelings, energy support, in the form of PayPal contributions or card payments, so that this Global Project can develop in the best way.
Together with our wonderful team, we are now working several hours a day to create, in the most beautiful and functional way possible, this unique platform for us.
- Embedding in the perception of the 5th dimension, is a consequence of inner stability, and we want to provide you with support, at every stage of Ascension.
- Thank you for your contributions, which in this One Heart Field, will allow us to have a natural flow in organising a space for the whole community, so that in one place, there will be all that is necessary during the transformation and awakening to one's power.
This space is like our shared Home, where energy exchanges can contribute to the continuous development of the entire Crystal Family.

If you can make any donation to create this communal flow in the energy of joy, we thank you for every gesture of the Heart.