Rising Above Patterns

Farewell to Roles in Relationships


Like many women, I have experienced in my roles, conditioning, and connection with the collective program. Often, I transformed the immense "Pain of Women" through myself, knowing that it is such a powerful illusion of our position in this drama, that I must let it pass through my Heart, so God’s Love could pull me/us out of this monstrous/beautiful illusion.


All levels of experiences, vibrations, dimensions are accessible to us. However, the pattern of association with 3D suffering is the space where we can often get stuck in a vicious cycle of repetitions, not understanding until a certain moment, that Love doesn’t have to wait for anything, for anyone, it is not dependent on any variant, in which we believe.


  • In this whole story, I went through these variants and options, to discover that they are maintained as long as our belief in them. We can live in such a pattern and in the Field of consciousness as long as We ourselves do not free ourselves from our beliefs that we are part of this game.
  • As long as we believe in our separation and our roles, we project them onto our men in this option, which seems real.
  • Everyone "has their job to do," meaning everyone must take responsibility for their projections and understandings, that only our awakening from these dreams will free us from this crazy war between energies. We are all here for each other, mutually, showing each other every program, every belief, and story we create with thoughts, to which we give meaning.


  • We can thank ourselves for revealing all these identities, yet in our Hearts, nothing like that happens. The mind can be so convincing that we have some problem to solve. This artificial division has been programmed into us, and only Love can invalidate these artificial commitments, treaties, waiting.
  • In the Present, we free ourselves from these stories instantly, however, everyone goes through their own process of expanding into this awareness, and the elements described in this text are certainly very alive for many people.


I would like to write from my side my message, as a development of the issues addressed. We can all rise above these patterns, by understanding that the roles with which we feel such a strong identity, are not real, they are a story, not the truth. Collectively, we have been activated, to go through this "path" through various aspects of the Mind. Everything seems so real, so personal, so heroic, yet, if we persist in these scenarios, we can’t see that we are not what we observe in the Mind.

To women:

Beloved of Life, You are the Creator of your Worlds and lead through your Heart those who are ready to trust it. If you believe that your struggles will bring a reward, understand now that by waiting for something else, but believing in what you see, you are a hostage of this projection.

  • Write a new script, let Love into your Heart, not waiting for any aspect (a man) to complete you. You are already the Fullness of Everything Now. You have within you that Power which never fades.
  • You have dreamed so much of conflicts within yourself, which have become the art of your life. Now is the time to extinguish the fire of this despair, stand up from your knees and laugh in the arms of Life, which is eternally undivided.
  • The mind has divided and confused, but it also can create a New World, when you look at yourself with Love. Nothing really happened, let go of all these stories about Him. It's not about him, it's about You, the Source of the BIRTH of every CREATION.

INTEGRATION occurs when you do not exclude, do not flee, but REMAIN in your Heart, regardless of the images scrolling through these frames of existence. Your only "task" is to be Love, that is, to be yourself, but not to play this Emotional Story about Love. All these dramas and sacrifices have nothing to do with Love, they are only imaginations and programmed disguises for it. It itself, by Its Sole Nature, is free from all this.

To men:

Beloved, the Only one within yourself,   when you so believe in your Separation from me/love/life we become pawns on a board full of misunderstandings. I free you from being in that role, through which I wake from my dreams. I allow you to find your answers within yourself, not waiting for you in my imagined reality, because I know us always inseparable in the Heart of Who We Really Are. I free us from identities of persecutors and victims, anger, fear, injury, the madness of the mind, from expectations, from judgments, from expectations.

  • I allow everything to be, knowing that my belief in anything makes it so. I free myself from the bonds of dependency and the feeling of lack within myself.
  • I know you are not external, you are in me, thus there are no separations and returns. We do not belong to time, nor to each other, for we are Unity beyond any story. We discover together, we discover separately, but all "discoveries" are just another cage of the mind, so true Freedom is letting go of any control, thesis, story.
  • Forgive me, for everything I projected onto you, through my hidden pain and suffering, which lasted fueled by the anger of forgetting my true self. I leave this dimension of conflict and I am for you in my Heart, no longer moved by any provocation of mental games.
  • Thank you

  for showing what was hidden in all those painful identities. And Now is the time for me, for I disappear when you want to burden me with your belief in any suffering, which you hide under that artificial certainty. Find your guidance and listen to what is closest to you, because I admit, I know nothing about you, I can always only speak about myself.  

To Us:

Beloved, we wake up from dreams of every separation, and then the suffering ends, woven from beliefs that something is wrong with us.

We, the Masters in self-realization, create ourselves in such diverse contexts, to Awaken from these dramatic divisions, for One Heart in us beats this Life. Let's bow to this wave of experiences and say goodbye to old variants, everything can disappear if we open ourselves to new, fresh, priceless qualities of our "souls freed from the past".  


Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.


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