Mind Training
= Freedom of the Heart
You gain distance from those penetrating thoughts,
which you have long considered your own.
- What is it like to DECIDE and joyously REALIZE the Project of your Heart?
- What is it like not to postpone what NOW demands attention?
- What is it like to eclipse with joy the weary programs?
- What is it like to rise above all conditioning and laugh at the concept of addiction to anything?
- What is it like to decide on your Freedom and to honor it at every moment?
- What is it like to create a magical aura all day through the words as Simple as I Love You?
- What is it like not to give in, but to decide?
- What is it like every evening to pat yourself on the back and say “well done to the director”?
- What is it like to create your New World so coherently and clearly?
- What is it like to love what is new and unknown, and to say goodbye to the worn-out options?
- What is it like to enjoy this adventure from the depth of yourself and disregard the complaints of the Mind?
This is the day, my friend!
- Enough of straddling and sabotaging your visions.
- Enough of complaining and running away from the Truth.
- Enough of pretending to be weak and foolish.
- Enough of blaming others for your identifications.
- Enough of weaving dark scenarios.
Enough of identifying with life's templates.
Today, feel what it is like - I open up and pierce doubts with the blade of my Consciousness.
- I dance with challenges and expose their illusion.
- I sing the song of my Heart with a full Voice.
- I honor myself with movement and run, just run…
- I say ENOUGH to what so primitively induces fear.
- I say NO to what forces my vibrations into crowds of anger.
- I say YES to Love, which quietly brings Peace within me and in the realm of this Project.
I thank infinitely for
- Everything that served as a bridge but has fulfilled its purpose, and I abandon this attachment to repetitions.
- Thank you for this morning just after Awakening, when I can breathe freely and be without conditions a servant of Love, Master of Freedom, and Creator of my Reality.
Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.
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