Banana Pancakes

Moments, snapshots of life, joy,
everything is significant yet so ephemeral.
Do not cling to anything, let go of what fades away.
- Spread 4—8 ripe bananas, blended in a blender, onto a sheet on dehydrator trays, shaping them into round pancakes or as you wish.
- Dry on the sheet until they can be gently peeled off and continue drying directly on the trays.
- Dry the pancakes between 8—12 hours, check which texture you prefer. To the bananas, you can add mango, peaches, making their flavor even more interesting. Yet, the base is bananas, and I think their taste will be very intriguing for you.
- This yields 8—16 pancakes.
You may spread these pancakes with raw jam, recipe in the book, or make a cream cheese from soaked cashews.
- 1 cup of soaked cashews
- 3 tablespoons of raw agave syrup
- juice from 1 lemon
Blend until the consistency of creamy cheese, adjusting thickness by adding a bit of water or orange juice. For blending, you can add strawberries, blueberries, mango — whatever you like, or to the white cheese add pieces of different fruits. The combinations are endless :)
Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.
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