Abundance is born in the heart and dies in a mind limited by the projection of scarcity.
Everything is Love, and no aspect of Life is excluded from its embrace.
When a Simple I Love You seeks to exclude anything in its touch, it transports us along with that thought into realms of fear and onto the screen of the "Lack" movie.
Feel in the NOW - There is EVERYTHING.
What could possibly be lacking to God, which you are?
- Who claims there is too little, when there is always as much as there should be in this singular NOW?
- I am Abundance, I am the taste of Everything, I am the breath of infinite goodness.
Integrate all tales of Darkness about this World NOW with the Light of all Abundance.
I AM EVERYTHING AND I am No One, which makes me Free now.
Simple I Love You
- repeat constantly, when thoughts of any scarcity arrive and any judgment wants to drag you to a place of negation of What Is.
- say Simple I LOVE YOU with every expenditure, every payment, and smile, knowing that everything is always fulfilled in Your Life.
- in every situation when you are confronted and trust seems to disappear from the Space of Experience.
- with every dream, desire, and yearning still whisper I LOVE YOU, without the baggage of expectations, merely opening up to the Space of possibilities.
I Love You
Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.
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