Either Enter Fully
Or You Are Not There At All
The difference is fundamental, either you're in it 100%, or you're not there at all.
- A certain type of inner determination pushes you to continue materializing your inner visions into form. Sitting like Buddha on a shelf is not enough; you need to make a physical move following what leads from within.
- And a constant verification of all those deceitful thoughts: not today, I don't have the energy, from tomorrow, etc. The "from tomorrow" doesn't work – you know that already, don’t you?
- Whatever calls you to start painting, stand up and act; this kind of action is ecstasy, not effort, except for maybe a brief moment.
- When the old program of limitations disappears in this opening, you feel that the wave of Life carries you lightly.
- If you don’t move from your chair, of course, you can knit many scarves and sweaters, they might be useful to someone.
If you're looking for a seat in the box for VIPs who don’t necessarily consent to deep participation in the whole spectacle - you can remain in the zone of false comfort, instead of verifying the whole script through your own priceless experience!
- Experiencing the full spectrum of life's colors, knowing this edifice of karma from the ground floor to the highest floors, you finally become independent from all levels.
- You learn to move on your own, not waiting for the elevator operator who obediently takes you where you think it's time to go.
- Eventually, you tire of this game and stay in the audience, without special preferences, because what is Observed loses its magnetism.
- However, it's always worth getting dirty with what you create, worth building and destroying, loving and hating, so that in the end, this dual panorama is united by laughter.
Life is a wonderful opportunity for all landscapes to be embraced by Love. In the meantime, let's play! Awakening brings this conscious breath in us.
Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.
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