No Need for Struggle
I Rest in Love
When I stop fighting with What Is, I fully allow all feelings, emotions, to flow through this apparent body, then the mind can't cling to anything, can't hold me back and torment me with stories about Life, can't mistreat the persona created from those very thoughts through its interpretation of emerging moments.
If I don't fiercely fight to get rid of anything, the mind loses its illusory power, and consciousness begins to speak through Silence. Everything that seemed genuinely difficult disappears along with the cessation of resistance to what flows through this Consciousness.
- Without forming a relationship with what appears, there is no continuation of pain, which is always a response to thoughts filled with denial.
- When I hate, it means I'm following the tracks of thoughts that negate the Grace of every experience.
- When I love, I flow in the light permission for every option of LIFE expressing itself through this expression.
- I AM in the Silence of opinions, attachments, and desires.
- I am distinctly Beautiful, beyond any struggle with the Perfection within me.
- To love what is quiet and what is loud, what agrees and disagrees, small and large.
- To love the lack of division and the making of differences.
- To love both the prince and the dragon.
- To love the apparent perfection and illusory flawlessness.
- To love love and its negation.
- To love What Is, not to gain, but to discover the Source of this Unconditionality within.
- Life is the sum of certain frames, reminiscent of old negatives, when photos weren't collected on phones but in albums on the dresser.
- When you examine the natural transience of moments, you recognize incredible beauty precisely in this fleetingness.
- Celebrate the uniqueness of each moment and be fully attentive as they come and go. Welcome and farewell with the same joy! Make no distinction, and EVERYTHING will turn out to be equally important.
- Your existence is a beautiful snapshot that will flash and fade, yet Who You Are needs nothing to be, yet everything happens within it.
- So relax, don't tense up, or do if you prefer, but in relaxation, it's easier to discover how amazing you are, human.
What will happen if you shed your shell?
Are you afraid of pain?
Pain is always where the shell is, not where your wings are, ready for flight... Freedom is empty from identification with this artificial costume.
You can trust and leap into the abyss of total independence from Nothing. You can! Do you want to?!
- Everyone has some alibi to prevent the ego from collapsing in the glow of Truth, but a moment comes when you know there's no turning back.
- Truth has led you to this place, look at it and allow it to dissolve all the lies you've ever believed in yourself.
- Be in it naked, ashamed, uncertain, whatever, but be, until Power emerges from those corners of identification and devours the remnants of those unreal illusions.
This is not a fight - it's surrender.
This is not a defeat; it is an act of courage.
This is not an effort; it's eternal relaxation in the Field of the Heart.
Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.
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