Dead Relationship

Invocation to LIFE

breakup, relationship, couple

A relationship is an energetic space where we exchange our qualities, co-create, and love if the relationship has ascended to a deeper level than the 3D assumptions dictate. 3D relationships exist through specific programs and expectations associated with them. They are also based, for a time, on the hormonal system, and if, thanks to authentic closeness, a relationship doesn't elevate to a higher level, it eventually burns out and can be said to be energetically dead. Energy does not flow, and personalities cannot meet because ingrained patterns have taken control.

When joy disappears, along with it love, it means the relationship starts to be formed mechanically, based on individual and collective programming, which will not allow us to meet in the Field of the Heart. If patterns obscure our true source of love, we become victims of the logical side of the brain, which cannot grasp a wider perspective.

On deeper levels, we are all love, and we all seek ourselves in this quality, which is familiar to us. The 3rd dimension fulfills its tasks perfectly, offering us, through expanding consciousness, the opportunity to rise above all the limitations of the collective mind, which perfectly manages this game.

Love has nothing to do with struggle and enforcing our visions. It teaches us to remain loyal to our inner harmony, which allows us to vibrate with our most beautiful aspects.

  • When we stop perceiving the world as a battlefield and become conscious Observers of our real Power, we naturally leave the 3D perception.
  • If "the relationship is dead", it's a sign that we have turned away from ourselves and are drifting towards suffering, which is a consequence of identifying with a dual world that artificially divides us.
  • When we return to our inner self and release those painful identities, we start to live, feel, and rejoice again, even without external reasons.
  • Our inner world is the cause and effect of this whole projected theatre.
  • We don't have to continue our sad stories when we understand they are truly optional.

At any moment, we can stop relating to the past and activate our new reality with a fresh perspective.
If you feel something in your life is dying, it signifies a transformation, and what was built on false patterns is being transformed. It's a wonderful awakening process, when we stop clinging to a false comfort zone and allow ourselves to rise above all limiting thought forms.

A relationship dies when:

  • We don't care for our energy, our thoughts, and automatically play out our roles.
  • When we neither see nor hear ourselves or our partner.
  • When communication drops to programmatically replaying our roles.
  • When expectations and disappointments overshadow the true value of the relationship.
  • When we look for "solutions" outside, instead of finding them within ourselves, changing our attitude, and raising our energy.
  • When it's simply time for change and new experiences.
  • When a certain stage has ended, and we need to create something new.
  • When we listen to the mind instead of the heart.
  • When the WE disappears, leaving only I, me, mine.
  • When it's because of HIM, because of Her.
  • When judging and blaming appear.
  • When the projection is invisible to us, and we believe in its reality.
  • If we turn to ourselves and in our Truth recognize our real guidance, we will discover entirely new spaces where Love and Joy are obvious, always present, and treated as the seed of every realization.
  • Without them, whatever we aim to create will be dead, lacking energy, lacking the real purpose of our soul.

Your soul always leads you to the source of the most beautiful potentials. If something is dying, it means it's time for change and redirecting yourself to life. Let the energy flow freely, for nothing can stop it, and resistance and clinging to your beliefs only increase the pain and suffering of those who fight the illusion of their imaginations.


Jeśli ten przekaz odnajduje echa w Twoim sercu, wyraź to, zostawiając tutaj ślad swojej obecności. Dotknięcie serca symbolizującego 'lubię' czy 'kocham', czy też podział się nim, rozszerza nasze wspólne pole świadomości. Twoja reakcja jest cennym echem, które pomaga tkać naszą rzeczywistość z nici miłości i jedności.


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